Education Services

Qwam Qwum Stuwixwulh School

Established in 2019, QQS is open to everyone (elementary to grade 7), as all children benefit from Snuneymuxw knowledge.

School curriculum prioritizes traditional Snuneymuxw teachings, supported by contemporary and ancestral technology. We strive to support all aspects of education, going beyond intellect alone.



In 2019, Snuneymuxw First Nation and Nanaimo Ladysmith Public Schools signed an unprecedented memorandum of agreement (MOA) that formalizes our unique co-governance Joint Committee. The Committee assumes operational responsibility for the Snuneymuxw Qwam Qwum Stuwixwulh Community School, congruent with honouring Snuneymuxw land and culture.

Qwam Qwum Stuwixwulh School​

1390 Stuywut St, Nanaimo, BC
Phone: (250) 754-3033

For information and registration, please click here.

Post Secondary Education

We provide academic and trades support for Snuneymuxw members.

SFN support available:

  • $9K tuition and text book support
  • $1,510/month living allowance
  • Heavy Operating certification support

Please connect with Chenoa Point for more information at

This service provides upgrading and training for adult students of Snuneymuxw First Nation.

This includes:

  • Supported employment search
  • Personalized goal setting and action plans
  • Resume development, targeted resumes, developing cover letters, on line application support
  • Employment Readiness Assessment
  • Opportunity for short term Training Certificates

Please connect with Chenoa Point for more information at

Adult Learning

This program is designed for SFN adults to continue their learning.

For example:

  • Upgrade education for trade or academic pursuits
  • Complete food safety certification
  • Complete first aid certification

Please connect with Chenoa Point for more information at

Snuneymuxw Learning Academy

The Snuneymuxw Learning Academy (SLA) was opened in partnership with Nanaimo Ladysmith Public Schools.

The SLA building (formerly known as Woodbank) is also home to our Snuneymuxw Traditional Medicines Clinic, because "to learn is to heal and to heal is to learn".

SLA was created with an understanding that the ancient knowledge systems of our great lands can only be fully appreciated by first knowing and recognizing the relationship between language, land and culture.

SLA programming includes computer and employment training courses, hul'q'umi'num' language courses and Indigenous medicines classes.  

The SLA satellite classroom on Centre Street is for students under the age of 19, who are pursuing their high school graduation requirements

SLA contacts:

For hul'q'umi'num' language and medicines classes please contact Nancy Seward

For students under 19 pursuing a high school diploma, please contact Billie-Ann Mitchell

Snuneymuxw Learning Academy
1984 Woobank Road
Nanaimo, BC

Video: Meet the women behind our incredible daycare

The Daycare Centre's objective is to meet the developmental needs of all children for whom care is provided. The goal is to use a holistic approach, which reflects Snuneymuxw culture, to assist them in developing their potential: socially, physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.

The Snuneymuxw Daycare is licensed to provide care to infants, toddlers and preschoolers by Community Care Facilities Licensing.

Snuneymuxw Daycare Centre
668 A Centre Street,  Nanaimo, BC
Phone: 250-740-2335

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