Teytexen Settlement Agreement Ratification

Snuneymuxw First Nation Settlement Agreement Ratification

We thank you for taking the time to learn more about the Teytexen Village Specific Claim settlement and for casting your vote. We are recommending the attached settlement to you for your approval and look forward to moving through this process together.


This settlement agreement is the result of many decades of work by Snuneymuxw that led to Canada admitting fault for its past actions and coming to the negotiating table to compensate our Nation for our losses. Since 2001, Snuneymuxw has worked to turn the government’s initial $5 million offer into the $42 million settlement. Upon a successful vote, Canada will provide Snuneymuxw $42 million in compensation for not protecting or reserving the southern portion of Teytexen village for Snuneymuxw People.


Ratification is how we vote to decide if the terms of the Teytexen Village claim will be approved. Your perspective is important, and we need your help moving this historic land claim forward.



As a member of this community, you are part of a collective knowledge that stretches back to the beginning of time. The Teytexen Village claim is a historic opportunity for the Snuneymuxw People to come together, make our voices heard, and shape our collective future.


– Chief and Council, Snuneymuxw First Nation


We understand that you have questions about when you will receive a $10,000 distribution payment. Under the terms of the Teytexen Settlement Agreement, CIRNAC must transfer the settlement funds to Snuneymuxw within 45 days of the Minister signing, but the exact timeline for the Minister’s signature is not fully within Snuneymuxw’s control. Once the funds are received, Snuneymuxw administration will require a reasonable period of time to prepare for the payments and ensure a smooth distribution to all members, which includes funds for minors to be held in the Thlap’Qwum Trust. At this time, Council is working towards a distribution window in late April. We will continue to provide updates as key milestones are reached.


 March 2 & 3, 2025 9:00 AM TO 8:00 PM

Snuneymuxw Gymnasium – 1145 Totem Road, Nanaimo, BC


9:00 AM on February 3 to 8:00 PM on February 28

To vote electronically, visit Simply Voting at: https://snuneymuxw.simplyvoting.com/

When you get to the website you will be prompted through the process to cast your vote.


Mail-In ballots will be sent to all Voters who are not ordinarily resident on-reserve, as well as to Voters who are ordinarily resident on-reserve. The Mail-In ballot package will include instructions on how to vote by mail and a voter declaration form that is required to be completed with any mail-in ballots. To be counted, completed mail-in ballot documents must be received by the ratification officer by no later than 8 PM on March 3, 2025.

Thank you for joining us at our info sessions on Feb 12 & 18th. If you have more questions, please read through the handouts on this page, or contact teytexen@snuneymuxw.ca

Chief Mike Wyse discusses the importance of the Teytexen Village claim and why your vote maers.

Chief Mike Wyse shares answers to frequently asked questions and info on how to vote in the Teytexen Village claim.

Chief Mike Wyse shares info on how to vote in the Teytexen Village claim.



TAKE NOTICE that a Ratification Vote of the Voters of the Snuneymuxw First Nation pursuant to the Voting Guidelines will be held on March 2 and March 3, 2025 to determine if the Voters of the Snuneymuxw First Nation approve and assent to the Snuneymuxw Teytexen Village Specific Claim Settlement Agreement (the “Settlement Agreement”) between Canada and the Snuneymuxw First Nation. A copy of the Settlement Agreement will be delivered to members by mail, can be obtained from the Snuneymuxw First Nation administration office, or requested by email at teytexen@snuneymuxw.ca.

The following Ballot Question will be asked of the Voters of the Snuneymuxw First Nation by secret ballot, as set out in Schedule 2 to the Settlement Agreement:

As a Voter of the First Nation, do you:

(a) agree to all of the terms and conditions of the Snuneymuxw Teytexen Village Specific Claim Settlement Agreement initiated by the negotiators for the Snuneymuxw First Nation and Canada, which settles and releases the matters set out in the Settlement Agreement;


(b) authorize and direct the Council of the Snuneymuxw First Nation to sign all documents and do everything necessary to give effect to the Snuneymuxw Teytexen Village Specific Claim Settlement Agreement?

Information Meeting(s) for purposes of the Ratification Vote will be held on:

Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 5:00 pm at the Snuneymuxw Gymnasium, 1145 Totem Road, Nanaimo, BC.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 5:00 pm Online by Zoom, Link: https://zoom.us/j/95396090239?pwd=UpFqFCbcPox93Y18kPIhRg4OQXXDFO.1

By-Phone (Canada): 778 907 2071; Meeting ID: 953 9609 0239; Passcode: 477160.

The Ratification Vote will take place on:

• Sunday March 2, 2025 9:00 am – 8:00 pm at Snuneymuxw Gym, 1145 Totem Road, Nanaimo, BC

• Monday March 3, 2025 9:00 am – 8:00 pm at Snuneymuxw Gym, 1145 Totem Road, Nanaimo, BC

Included with this Notice of Ratification Vote are copies of the Settlement Agreement, Voting Guidelines, and such other information as the Snuneymuxw First Nation determines.

Mail-In ballots will be sent to all Voters who are not ordinarily resident on-reserve, as well as to Voters who are ordinarily resident on-reserve. The Mail-In ballot package will include instructions on how to vote by online ballot, for those Voters who wish to use that option.

AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a Voters List is posted with this Notice of Ratification Vote. Sections 5.2 and 5.3 of the Voting Guidelines provide:

5.2 A Member may apply to the Ratification Officer before the Voting Day to have the Voters List revised if such Member believes that:

(a) the name of a Voter has been omitted from the Voters List; or

(b) the name of a Voter is incorrectly set out or should not be included on the Voters List.

5.3 A Member of the Snuneymuxw First Nation may, up to and including the Voting Day, apply to the Ratification Officer to have their name added to the Voters List if that Member provides:

(a) proof of eligibility to vote by completing the Declaration of Membership and Eligibility to Vote Form substantially in the form of Appendix “C.” This proof shall include documentation that verifies that the Voter’s name is recorded on the Band List, and that the Voter is at least eighteen years old on the date of the Ratification Vote.

(b) Upon receipt and confirmation of the information in the Declaration of Membership and Eligibility to Vote form, the Ratification Officer will revise the Voters List.

VOTERS LIST: https://www.snuneymuxw.ca/2025/02/05/snuneymuxw-voters-list/

DATED at Nanaimo, in British Columbia, this 23rd day of January 2025.

An application for an amendment to the Voters List or a request for a copy of the Voting Guidelines or forms should be made to the Ratification Officer at: Ron Laufer, ronlauferelections@gmail.com


 March 2 & 3, 2025 9:00 AM TO 8:00 PM

Snuneymuxw Gymnasium – 1145 Totem Road, Nanaimo, BC


JANUARY 21, 2025

Size: 58 acres
Negotiation Party: Canada
Timeline: 2001 – Spring 2025
Status: On Monday, January 20, 2025, Chief and Council approved the Teytexen Village Settlement Agreement in principle. This milestone marks a significant step forward in a negotiation process that has been underway since 2001. We are now moving to the community ratification stage.

Join us at one of our upcoming Community Information Sessions to learn more about the ratification process:


      • Wednesday, February 12, 2025, @ 5 PM | Snuneymuxw Gym

      • Tuesday, February 18, 2025, @ 5 PM | Virtual Meeting

    Mark Your Calendar: Voting Days

    Get ready to vote on Sunday March 2 and Monday March 3, 2025. Here’s how you can cast your vote: online, mail-in and in-person.

    Learn More or Get Involved